Walk in the Footsteps of the Saints in Communion with Them – You Are Already Living in the Cosmic Pentecost

29 June 2021 – Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles

Message of St. Peter the Apostle  

Walk in the Footsteps of the Saints in Communion with Them

In this time, the whole Church of Jesus Christ of the Universe is going through a phase of great dynamism because JESUS’ INTERMEDIATE COMING to Earth places all of us on a demanding and dynamic path. We Saints, who are already in God’s Light, also participate in spirit in Jesus’ action on Earth, rescuing the people, as I have just said, but also supporting Jesus in opening the hearts of the people. We can, in fact, help people’s hearts to open up to God and begin to bloom like flowers.

“Dearest Brothers and Sisters,

I greet you with the love of God and bring you His peace. Together with my brother, Paul, I would like to embrace all of you and thank this people for the path it has accomplished, for the trials it has overcome and for the faithfulness it has shown to God.

You proclaim us the apostles that God placed as the foundation of the Church[1], and that is what we truly were: through our words, our writings and the blood we shed for Christ we contributed to build the Church that our Lord Jesus Christ had founded. It is always He who accomplishes the work while we participate in it in proportion to our openness to receive His Love and His Power.

All of us Apostles and Saints of all times and all places left behind a trail of light, faith, hope and love, and you now have to walk in our footsteps. It is important for you to understand that the Saints in Heaven are not static, immobile pawns on the chessboard of eternity. On the contrary, all of us – apostles, martyrs and prophets – are perpetually in motion because we are involved in the dynamic of the action of the Holy Spirit. We complete all that the living and the deceased, who are in difficulty, cannot accomplish the way they would like. We help them and are with them in their struggle so that they may fulfil everything that God entrusts to them.

Our intercessory prayer before God’s throne is continuous. It must be some comfort to you to know that you are not alone. Do not be afraid: God does not look at the results, but He looks at the good will, the commitment and the love you put into the work you do. Wherever there is a person of good will who loves God and Jesus Christ, His Son, our prayers and our intercession is always present, and so you are never abandoned.

In this time, the whole Church of Jesus Christ of the Universe is going through a phase of great dynamism because JESUS’ INTERMEDIATE COMING to Earth places all of us on a demanding and dynamic path. We Saints, who are already in God’s Light, also participate in spirit in Jesus’ action on Earth, rescuing the people, as I have just said, but also supporting Jesus in opening the hearts of the people. We can, in fact, help people’s hearts to open up to God and begin to bloom like flowers.

Therefore, I ask you to be very united with the Saints, especially with the Saint of the day, because on the days the Saints are celebrated, they receive particular power of intercession from God for all of you. In reality, every day thousands of Saints are celebrated in Heaven. You only remember one or a few of them, but their remembrance includes all the others that no-one knows except God. Many Saints have remained anonymous both on Earth and in other parts of the Universe; nevertheless, all of them receive great power of intercession on that day, and they are very close to you.

In addition to the Saints of the day, remember your patron Saints whose name you bear or whom you feel particularly close and you have chosen as your protectors. They continually intercede for you, not only on the day you celebrate them. Finally, remember all Saints even those who are unknown because the whole Church of the Universe is in motion, and she is united more than ever to face the forces of Evil. Therefore, set out, as soon as possible, in the footsteps of the Saints.

I bless you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”

Message of St. Paul the Apostle

You Are Already Living in the Cosmic Pentecost


You are already living in the time of the COSMIC PENTECOST. It has already begun but experienced a strong acceleration after the proclamation of the existence of the “Church of Jesus Christ of the Universe” on Earth, which you made in 2018. Your planet was the last to receive the announcement of the existence and the action of this Church. Therefore, the cosmic Pentecost is already in place and the Lord is proceeding with His powerful action. In the past years, this Pentecost has prepared JESUS’ INTERMEDIATE COMING and now also prepares His glorious return at the end of times. The moment when Christ gloriously returns, the Pentecost will be a truly great cosmic event, visible to everyone.


 “Dearest Brothers and Sisters,

I would like to add, for my part, that what really matters in the eyes of God your love for Him.[2] You all know how I behaved towards Jesus’ Church before my conversion: I persecuted my Christian brothers and had many of them imprisoned; I despised them. Nevertheless, the Lord called me to serve Him.[3] He considered my “yes” at the moment of conception and saw in advance the love that I would have for Him from that moment on: a strong and unshakable love.

Precisely because I had previously persecuted the Lord, I could not have turned back. I had experienced the consequences of persecuting Jesus[4]: it is like living in Hell, as happened to me when I was persecuting the Church. For this reason, my love for Jesus remained stable in me and I never withdrew from anything. I never denied the Lord as Peter had done, because I had already denied Him before my conversion and afterwards I did not do it again.

I ask all of you to have the same strong and generous love for Jesus. The love for Him is the only guarantee for you of a sincere love for the Father but also for the gift of the Holy Spirit. In fact, the Father only grants this gift to the true followers of Christ who love Him, welcome Him and recognise Him for what He is: the Lord of the Universe, the Son of the Most High. Seek to intensively cultivate the love for Jesus. Now is the time in which the Church must express this love in the whole Universe and especially on Earth where the false religions and the false Church do not manifest this love.

You have to hold up the banner of Christ: not only His Cross and Resurrection but also that of your love for Him, which encourages you to go towards everything and everyone; which enables you to embrace friends and enemies and to help the suffering humanity to improve.[5]

I pray for you together with all the Saints. As Peter has told you, we are all in action in this time. We communicate to your spirit the fruit of what we have done and experienced while we were in the body. Thus, from spirit to spirit, the immense richness of God passes through the generations of Saints.

Do not think that communication between you and us only takes place when we speak to you as we are doing now: we communicate to your spirit all that the Lord allows us, even when you are not aware of it, when you sleep or are busy with your activities. We keep nourishing your spirit, transmitting to you our power and the experiences we made in the trials that we overcame. Therefore, be united with us as we are with you, and then the Church of the whole Universe will be invincible and shine as the true spouse of Christ.

You are already living in the time of the COSMIC PENTECOST. It has already begun but experienced a strong acceleration after the proclamation of the existence of the “Church of Jesus Christ of the Universe” on Earth, which you made in 2018. Your planet was the last to receive the announcement of the existence and the action of this Church. Therefore, the cosmic Pentecost is already in place and the Lord is proceeding with His powerful action. In the past years, this Pentecost has prepared JESUS’ INTERMEDIATE COMING and now also prepares His glorious return at the end of times. The moment when Christ gloriously returns, the Pentecost will be a truly great cosmic event, visible to everyone.

I bless you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”

[1] See Rev 21,14; Eph 2,19-21

[2] See 1Cor 13, 1-13

[3] Acts 9,1-19

[4] Acts 9,3-4

[5] See Rom 12,9-21