Be Worthy of Your Task

4 October 2020

Dearest Brothers and Sisters,

We will share with you the message of St. Francis of Assisi, in which He testifies of his life, adding new aspects which enable us to better understand it; the message also illuminates the present time.

People have transmitted their own interpretations about the life of St. Francis. Yet, this is the time, in which the Church is descending from Heaven to help us enter into the whole truth.

This message adds to what St. Francis has revealed to us in several occasions, which we have reported in our books and in other messages.[1]

We wish you a good and fruitful read, and we bless and accompany you as always with our prayers.

4 October 2020

Stefania Caterina, Tomislav Vlašić

Message of St. Francis of Assisi of 4 October 2020, Solemnity of St. Francis of Assisi

“Dearest brothers and sisters in Christ, peace be with you! I want to accompany you towards the new creation like a father and a brother. You have been told that your path is Marian and Franciscan, and these two aspects are inseparable.[2]

My love for the Mother of God guided me on my whole path. I was fully immersed in the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
No spiritual path can come forth from the will of a person, no matter how virtuous; it is always God’s initiative to call a person, and then the person responds. Nevertheless, human beings are weak, thus their response is often uncertain and fearful, and this is the point when the Heavenly Mother begins to act. Her pure and immaculate Love envelops those who have been chosen by God and helps them respond. Her hand supports them and shows them the right steps to take. She intercedes for them, comforts, encourages and blesses them. Every true vocation is born from God’s call and from the Mother’s womb; the calling is embodied in those who respond and thus becomes a work of God, visible to the eyes of man.

This is how Franciscanism came forth: from God’s call, from the Blessed Mother’s Heart and from my response. I was the smallest among people. I had no merits, but God called me and I allowed Him to change my thoughts and my life. That was my conversion.

After my conversion, I spent a long time in solitude and prayer to understand what the will of God was. None of the already existing paths seemed right to me. I did not intend to become a priest or a friar, even less I wanted to found a new religious Order. I only wanted to belong to Christ through the Mother of God, living a simple life as a child of God, according to the Gospel and in harmony with creation. I was not a bizarre dreamer, as many thought; on the contrary, I wanted to be a concrete man, capable of fulfilling my vocation. I sensed that I had to open up a new path, simple but also demanding.

The Lord helped me by showing me His will. During the time of solitude, I was visited by the Archangels, especially by Saint Michael, who gave me great revelations about life in the Universe and about the mission of the Church. Thus, I learned that I had more brothers and sisters on other planets. I believed in their existence, I welcomed them in my heart and I loved them.

After receiving the explanations of the Archangels, I was visited both physically and spiritually by the brothers and sisters of the Universe who were faithful to God. They explained many things to me about their life, their service to God, and their relationship with the living beings that are different from humans. The communion with them lasted all my earthly life, and it was for me a source of incredible joy as well as spiritual growth. I did not speak about all this to anyone, even my own friars. I waited until the time was ripe to reveal all this.

To help me in my path, God put an extraordinary woman at my side, Saint Clare, with whom I shared everything. She was also visited and instructed like me, for together we had to accomplish the work of proclaiming to the Church, based on the revelations given to us, the great plan God had predetermined from eternity, which was to reunite the whole Universe in Christ[3]; a plan that you know very well.

In order to fulfil all this, the Lord wanted to create, through the two of us, a great spiritual Family, humble but powerful in spirit, composed of brothers and sisters who would live together, recreate the lost harmony between man and woman and thus be a new yeast within Christianity. This would have helped the Church of the Earth to become open to the reality of the Universe and to accept the presence of other brothers and sisters. This was the purpose of the revelations we had received.

The Franciscan Family was the instrument God had chosen for that time to be at the service of the Church. Unfortunately, neither the humanity of that time nor the Church was ready to welcome Franciscanism in as intended by the divine mind. Clare and I understood it from the beginning. Filled with profound sadness, we accepted to be separated from each other. Thus, despite the holiness of many Franciscan men and women over the centuries, Franciscanism could not express its enormous potential and had to adapt to the reality of the Earth. I do not want to criticise, for much has been done by Franciscanism, but much has also remained concealed.

The Lord understood my and Clare’s pain, and we offered our deep pain to God. In His goodness, He promised that our offering would prepare the way for future generations that, one day, would understand and welcome God’s plan to reunite the whole creation in Christ.

Now, the time has come when an immense people has been gathered by God, from all parts of the Universe, to form the only Church in Jesus Christ, founded on Earth but alive and working throughout the Universe. You, too, are part of it, and you want to manifest the face of this Church on Earth and announce the plan of God. I prayed and suffered along with Clare for you, too, and therefore we are like a father and a mother for you.

The history of salvation has seen a continuous passing of testimonies from one generation to another, from one people to another. However, the plan of God the Father has always remained the same: to draw to Himself all men and women and all living beings through Jesus Christ, in the Holy Spirit, in order to lead the whole creation back to the harmony of its Creator.

Dear brothers and sisters, be aware that you are living in an extraordinary time, in which God accomplishes His plan of love and salvation. Lucifer, murderer and usurper, has corrupted a large part of humanity and profaned creation. Now he must be driven out and thrown into the darkness he has chosen, “where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth” (Mt 8,12), together with all those who have adored and served him.

You, and all those who have undertaken this path, belong to the “Church of Jesus Christ of the Universe”, which is the last and final instrument God has chosen to accomplish His work. Through His Church of the whole Universe, God will accomplish all that has remained unfinished throughout the centuries.

Remember that you represent this Church on Earth and that you have to be worthy of your task. Therefore, be humble and simple but also determined. Do not allow anyone to stop your action, but do not treat anyone with harshness. Show everyone the merciful face of the Saviour and the tender love of the Heavenly Mother. Lift from the dust the suffering humanity that seeks God but does not know how to find Him. With your prayer and your self-offering, you help the sinners to repent, the sick to heal, the crippled to walk. There are many sick and crippled even in spirit, poor children of God of whom no one takes care![4]

May God’s Love in all of you finally overcome the hatred of Hell; may God’s Life repel death and the balm of prayer heal the wounds of humanity. Many will reject you, but many will listen to you. God is waiting for His Church to flourish in love and works. No one will be able to stop the plan of God: anything that will try to oppose this Church will shatter like a shard against its walls.

I recommend that you take great care of your inner and outer discipline. Your whole being – spirit, soul and body – ought to give testimony to the work of God in you and through you. Take care of your body as much as you take care of your soul and your spirit.

During my earthly life, I have neglected and chastised my body, dragging it like a donkey. Then I understood my mistake: the body of the saints, who live for the Lord, is not a donkey but the holy temple of God. Make sure that your temple shines. Be dignified and moderate in speaking and dressing. Nourish your body and take care of it without exaggerating, but with the awareness that it is an indispensable instrument for your mission on Earth.

God wants you to be healthy and happy. He does not want the diseases, which are caused by human corruption, fuelled by the evil one. Occasionally, the Father allows a disease to appear as a test to strengthen the faith of His children, to correct their conduct or to connect them with the mystery of the salvific suffering of His Son. Whatever the cause of the disease may be, if you offer it to God through Mary Most Holy, you will be able to face it with the power of faith. Blessed are you if you are able to suffer with Christ, as you will be instruments of salvation.

Be kind and generous, friends of God and of humanity. Then, the Lord will send those who seek true life to you, and the Church will grow in holiness and justice.

Keep away from ambition and never seek to be seen. Carry out every service that has been entrusted to you with love and earnestness, but know that it is not your deeds that make you great but what you are in the eyes of God, who looks at your humbleness. Uniqueness and holiness are more important than any service because the works are nothing other than the fruit of your tree whose roots are embedded in the holiness of God.

I am with you together with Saint Clare. Our prayers will always accompany you. I bless you, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”

[1] See S. Caterina, T. Vlašić, “Riscrivere la Storia – Vol I – Nel pensiero di Dio”, 2011, Luci dell’Esodo, p.116; see also the Message of St. Francis of Assisi of 7 September 2012, “The pure love of God”, published on this website on 29 September 2012.

[2] See Message of Mary Most Holy of 14 August 2020, “The Living Liturgy”, published on this website,

[3] See Eph 1, 9-10

[4] See Isa 61,1-4; Lk 4,18-21